Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) also known as macrogols are hydrophilic polymers found in everyday products such as medications, cosmetics and even in food. It is a hidden allergen and what is being discovered is that the higher molecular weight or size of the PEG, the higher chance for anaphylaxis. Polysorbate has a similar structure to PEG and can cause allergic reactions through cross reactivity.

There is an increased interest in PEG/Polysorbate due to worries of allergic reactions to these compounds that can be found in Covid-19 vaccines. I have compiled some relevant information in this page as a source to help readers and medical providers who may need the information for their medical decision making process.
All the information from this page were obtained from:
- J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2021;9:670-5
- In Press J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2021
Below is a table of common injectable medications containing PEG (click on image to enlarge)
Below is a table of vaccines containing Polysorbate and PEG (click on image to enlarge)

Below is a table of Emergency medicines containing PEG (UK Formulary). (click on image to enlarge)

The flowchart below is a possible method to evaluate for PEG Polysorbate allergy. (click on image to enlarge)