In case the clip above loads slow, You can also watch it at YouTube here: Skin Prick Test How it is done
The video above explains what skin prick test is about and shows how it is done. Unless you have been to an Allergist Immunologist before, you may not know what skin prick testing is all about. It probably sounds scary and painful. The term prick implies that there is a needle that will actually penetrate the skin and that is very painful. The truth is far from that! It feels like a scratch and a special tool called an allergy pricker is used. You can also learn more about the allergy pricker here: What you should know about Skin Prick Test
The skin test is fast and accurate and we will get results in 15 minutes. There are 2 sites that we usually use for skin prick testing, one is the forearm and the other is on the back. The choice of location for the skin prick tests depends on how many tests are being done. During the skin prick test, you will feel a scratch and drop of cold liquid on the skin which is the allergen. It is important to hold still and refrain from touching the tested area for the next 15 minutes. At the 15 minutes mark, the reaction will be measured and recorded down on the test sheet.
It is important to stop antihistamines before a skin prick test is done. You can read more about what medications you should stop before doing skin prick test.
It is important to know that when you schedule your first appointment with us at the Allergy Immunology Clinic, we do not usually tell our patients to stop any medications prior to their visit. This is because without a full consultation, we will not know what is the best testing modality or if any testing is needed. It is also unsafe to tell you to stop your medications without knowing your full medical background. We will always recommend that you see your doctor first for a full consultation prior to any decision on testing or treatment.