Does Malaysia have Hummingbirds?

Does Malaysia have Hummingbirds?

Due to my fondness for eating, I have to put in some effort to keep my overweight self in check. So, every weekend, I lace up my sneakers and head out for a slow jog around the neighborhood. And by slow, I mean a brisk walker could probably outpace me! My neighbors must think I’m performing some bizarre exercise routine with my unusual gait. What I do is more of a tip-toe shuffle than a conventional jog—an attempt to avoid too much impact on my knees while maintaining a bouncy rhythm. I’m not claiming it’s the right way to jog, but it works for me. If there’s an expert out there who can validate my unique method, I’d love to hear from you!

One of the perks of my leisurely jogs is that I get to appreciate my surroundings in a way I usually don’t. Just the other day, I stumbled upon a delightful sight: two small hummingbirds flitting from flower to flower.

I was mesmerized and quickly whipped out my phone to capture the moment. These tiny creatures were a blur of motion, their wings creating a soft, buzzing hum as they hovered and sipped nectar from jasmine flowers. ZZZZ here and buzz there! Their agility and speed were captivating, moving so fast it was hard to believe they were real.

Is it true that Malaysia does not have hummingbirds?

It is true that Malaysia does not have hummingbirds. We do have sunbirds which are not the same. With some googling I found out that what I saw is a Hummingbird Hawk Moth.

So a Hummingbird Hawk Moth is not a bird, it is actually an insect! It starts of as an egg then caterpillar and then cocoon before becoming a moth!

Interestingly enough, according to wikipedia, Malaysia is not in the region of distribution of the Hummingbird Hawk Moth. Is this something new? Can somebody find out? If this is indeed a new species, I would like to claim and name it Kentwoois-Humming-Moth. Hahaha.

Anyway after watching the Hummingbird Hawk Moths for 5 minutes, I left them alone. I continued on my jogging while thinking how precious is this world that we are living in.

We should always take care of our environment and preserve the ecology that all living creatures depend on.

This is because environmental changes and pollution are responsible for increasing allergies that we are seeing today.

Our environment influences our Immune System

We are now finding out that environmental pollution exposures even while the baby is in the womb can influence the immune system to behave towards a certain inflammatory pathway. With more research, we can hopefully modify some of these detrimental immune deviation. Some of the things science have discovered is the importance of microbiome and that we should interact more with nature.

By playing in the dirt and climbing trees or by just being outdoors, the bacteria that lives with us are modified and become more diverse. It is this diversity that can influence our immune system to function properly. With this, we should now all be aware and participate towards better planetary health. As the health of Earth our home planet will certainly determine our future health and that of our future generations.

Information you can use:

  • Hummingbird Hawk Moths: These moths are often mistaken for hummingbirds due to their similar appearance and behavior. They are found in many parts of the world, but sightings in Malaysia are rare.
  • Environmental Awareness: Understanding the impact of environmental pollution on health is crucial. Let’s all do our part for a healthier planet and healthier future.
  • Allergies and Immune Health: Exposure to pollutants can affect immune responses even before birth. Promoting diverse microbiomes through natural interactions and probiotics can mitigate some of these effects.

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