Urticaria or Hives is known as the Devil’s Itch

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Urticaria also known as hives is an extremely itchy rash that can involve the entire body. It can start off as a small bump that looks like mosquito bite which can then enlarge and spread all over just like the photo above. Some of my patients even tell me that the raised red itchy welts resembles a map that is drawn on their body. Hives can be so itchy that they call it the Devil’s Itch.

Key Features of Urticaria
  • Each individual rash comes and goes and do not last more than 24 hours.
  • Some urticaria rash looks swollen and looks like mosquito bites which we call wheals and can be larger described as welts.
  • Some urticaria rash looks like flat red patches.
  • These rash can involve any part of the body including arms, legs, face and even the scalp.
  • It is important to remember that once the urticaria rash resolves, it does not leave a dark mark. If it does leave a mark, it may suggest this condition known as urticarial vasculitis.
Urticaria attack can cause Swelling

Sometimes severe urticaria attack can cause swelling, which we call angioedema. You can see the photos above show swelling around the eye and upper lip swelling. These swellings can be quite uncomfortable and may take hours to resolve.

What you should know
  • There are many possible causes of urticaria.
  • An acute allergic reaction from food or medications can present with urticaria.
  • Allergic reaction from insect stings such as from bee, wasps or fire ants can present with urticaria.
  • Viral infections in children and sometimes adults can also present with urticaria.
  • Chronic urticaria which is hives lasting for more than 6 weeks can be associated with autoimmune triggers.
  • In chronic urticaria, high dose antihistamines, up to 4X normal dose can be used to control the condition.
  • Find out about Urticaria Updates from Sydney.
If you need help

If you are suffering from urticaria, please seek proper evaluation. Allergist/Immunologist specialists are trained to take care of these conditions and the Allergy Immunology Clinic is ready to serve your needs


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