Chronic Urticaria/Hives

Urticaria 4

Urticaria or Hives is an itchy rash caused by release of histamine from mast cells from the skin. The release of histamine will lead to itchy raised bumps that looks like wheals “mosquito bites” pictured above. This rash can involve every part of the body and when severe, lead to swelling of the underneath tissues called angioedema. The definition of chronic urticaria is when this rash has been going on for 6 weeks or more.

Patients suffering from chronic urticaria are very distressed as the itch severely interferes with sleep, work and quality of life. Based on medical studies, the majority of patients with chronic urticaria have no external cause or underlying disease process that can be identified.  However, that DOES NOT mean that you should ignore it! You should see a qualified Allergist so that your condition can be properly evaluated.

Sometimes, patients come to us with different test results that cannot be interpreted or utilized. Here at the AI Clinic, we have helped many patients with chronic urticaria by doing proper evaluation followed by comprehensive treatment of their condition. By undergoing proper evaluation, we have identified underlying triggers such as autoimmune conditions, infections and allergic triggers without using a shotgun approach!

After proper evaluation, we will begin a treatment protocol that will give you the best chance of success in controlling your urticaria and to induce remission. We will first start from the basic treatment process and then escalate to the next level if you do not achieve control of your condition.

Why do we emphasize urticaria control? This is because medical data is now showing that complete control leads to higher chance of success in inducing remission/resolution of your chronic urticaria. Let us help you in finding a solution to your condition.

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