

Do not simply evaluate food allergy with blood screening panels

When evaluating food allergy, it is very important to seek appropriate consultation with a trained and board certified Allergy and Immunology specialist. The first approach towards evaluating food allergy is to conduct a thorough medical history to determine: if food allergy is likely and what the most likely culprit food is. A limitation in blood panel testings is

Do not simply evaluate food allergy with blood screening panels Read More »

Can I eat other shellfish if I am allergic to shrimp or prawn?

The most common symptoms of shrimp or prawn allergy is itching and localized swelling of the mouth. Sometimes small itchy bumps might develop on the tongue, lips and inside lining of the cheeks. Other more generalized symptoms include urticaria (hives), throat swelling, sneezing, runny nose and wheezing. The most severe symptom would be anaphylaxis (allergic shock). If a person is diagnosed

Can I eat other shellfish if I am allergic to shrimp or prawn? Read More »